Monday, January 18, 2016

Skunk Spray.....

This email be the worst email I have sent and I apologize. I have like 15 minutes before PDay ends. Today has been crazy! So last night around 3 am, sister Andersen and I were woken up by the Palmers dogs barking. They are both a German Shepherd and wolf mix. Basically they are like Balto. Right after the dogs started barking BAM. This terrible smell filled our apartment. Sooooo yup. The dogs got sprayed by a skunk right in front of our house. So we were cleaning the apartment all day trying to get rid of the smell. On top of that, the Palmers were gone for MLK day and their chickens got out. Somehow they left the yard and we had to round up 6 or 7 of them. Anddddd we also went shopping in downtown Yucaipa. It's so cute! It's kind of like the Collierville town square, but it's a lot bigger. So this is why I am emailing super late. So sorry! 

This week was great from what I can remember.  We had an amazing experience this week. We were having a really rough day. We were so excited for this day because we
had 6 or 7 return appointments with all new investigators. They were all back to back and we planned for all of them and were super excited to teach these people. They literally all fell through. Basically, it sucked. I was honestly just trying not to cry and we were still trying to talk to people. I was praying and thinking about all afternoon how I just wanted to meet someone that I could befriend and help. I told Heavenly Father I just wanted to teach someone that was actually seeking truth.

We went to try this potential before our dinner appointment. We walked up to this house and there were bunnies and lizards and dogs and all kinds of interesting things.
A young woman answered the door. She let us in right away. At first I was scared....but then I felt really peaceful. She had three cute little kids and they were just in super humble circumstances. She said she was going through a really hard time and the night before she was praying for someone to help. We gave her 11 year old son a Book of Mormon. He started reading it right after he took it. Unfortunately, they couldn't come to church because her little 6 year old was running a high fever. If you could pray for them that would be fantastic. She told us that she has been searching for truth her whole life and our church keeps popping up. She even had applied for a job at the DI. I don't know exactly what's going to happen, but in that moment I knew that Heavenly Father answered both of our prayers and that was really cool. Times up! Sorry there's not a whole lot here! But I am safe and we are doing our best. We just don't smell real good.....
Love you family!
Love, Sister Olsen

We went to a really cute ice cream boutique today. Basically it was awesome.

A giraffe!!! He's not real....

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